Spread the Word is London’s literature development agency. The charity supports the creative and professional development of writing talent, by engaging those already interested in literature and those who will be, and by advocating on behalf of both. The charity has nominated Sam and Rosie Berwick for their philanthropic gift of £100,000 (+Gift Aid) towards the creation of an Early Career Bursary programme which will benefit three low-income London-based writers each year. The Berwick’s have co-designed the programme together with Spread the Word in recognition of the significant barriers faced by unpublished, socio-economically marginalised writers. The couple are committed to supporting it annually for at least five years, resulting in an intended total gift of £250,000 (+Gift Aid). This nomination recognises not only a substantial financial gift and a sustained level of support but also highlights the importance of unlocking the potential of real partnership and co-creation between charities and donors who share their vision and values.

Spread the Word & Sam and Rosie Berwick